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4.7/5 Stars ★★★★★
Miami, FL
Associate Counsel
Employment Contracts
Orlando, FL
Employment Contracts
Coral Springs, FL
Employment Contracts
Coral Gables, FL
Employment Contracts

What clients say on Trustpilot

“For someone in need of a lawyer for a contract this site was very easy to navigate organized and still let me feel like I was in control and a situation with so many question marks. Thank you for making the process easier. I am a dentist and plan to use this program and refer to other new dentists”

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“The process is so easy with putting out a bid, and we're 2 for 2 on getting a great attorney to do the work. Plus we've always gone with the low bidder, so that tells you everyone is highly qualified.”

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“This was an absolute amazing service. I tried another service and was quite disappointed. I would recommend this site to anybody. Extremely professional and very quick response.”

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“Contracts Counsel is a great idea, and cuts through the lengthy back-and-forth that is typical of trying to engage a lawyer for advice. I received bids within a couple of hours of my time sensitive need and chose a great contracts lawyer who helped review my contract and was very responsive and assisted me with my contract within a few days.”

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